When my Cats are not Animals - an explanation of invariance and covariance

a cat being excluded from a group of animals

Let’s say you have a parent class Animal and a child class Cat that inherits from Animal. You might think that you can add a Cat to a list of Animals. But then your pyright / vscode / mypy linter will complain that you can’t do that. Why is that?

Let’s start with a simple example:

class Animal:
    def make_sound(self) -> None:

class Dog(Animal):

class Cat(Animal):

    def meow(self) -> None:

def make_animal_sounds(animals: list[Animal]) -> None:
    for animal in animals:

def make_cat_sounds(cats: list[Cat]) -> None:
    for cat in cats:
def main():
    cats: list[Cat] = [Cat()]
    make_cat_sounds(cats=cats) # OK
    make_animal_sounds(animals=cats) # "Typeerror: list[Cat] is compatible with list[Animal]"

Why is list[Cat] incompatible with list[Animal]? The reason is that list[Cat] is not a subclass of list[Animal]. This is weird to us - because Cat is a subclass of Animal, so why isn’t list[Cat] a subclass of list[Animal]?

The short answer is that the list is mutable and so you’ll get into trouble if you allow list[Cat] to be a subclass of list[Animal].

Let’s see an example where list[Cat] is a subclass of list[Animal], and things exploding.

def main():
    cats: list[Cat] = [Cat()]
    animals: list[Animal] = cats # Normally, this would be flagged out as an error, but let's pretend that this is allowed
    animals.append(Dog()) # This is allowed a Dog can be added to a list of Animals
    make_cat_sounds(cats=cats) # Explodes at runtime because you'll call .meow() on a Dog
    make_animal_sounds(animals=animals) # OK

This is why list[Cat] is not a subclass of list[Animal]. If it were, you would be able to add a Dog to a list of Cats, and that would be a disaster by causing make_cat_sounds(cats=cats) to explode at runtime. In confusing-type-theory-speak, we say that list is invariant in its type parameter. This means that list[Cat] is not a subclass of list[Animal].

How do I fix it - Promise to never mutate the list

The real problem is mutability. Our .append(Dog()) caused the explosion. Now what happens if we promise to never mutate that list[Cat]? We can promise by type hinting the cats in make_cat_sounds as a Sequence[Cat].

from typing import Sequence
class Animal:
    def make_sound(self) -> None:

class Dog(Animal):

class Cat(Animal):

    def meow(self) -> None:

def make_animal_sounds(animals: Sequence[Animal]) -> None:
    for animal in animals:

def make_cat_sounds(cats: Sequence[Cat]) -> None:
    for cat in cats:
def main():
    cats: Sequence[Cat] = [Cat()]
    animals: Sequence[Animal] = cats # Allowed, because a Sequence[Cat] is a subclass of Sequence[Animal].
    # animals.append(Dog()) # You can't do this - this will be flagged as an error. So we are forced to make a new list instead
    make_cat_sounds(cats=animals) # OK because you never mutated the list to add a dog
    new_animals = list(cats) + [Dog()] # OK
    make_animal_sounds(animals=new_animals) # OK

What just happened?

By changing the type hint from list to Sequence, we are saying that we promise to never mutate the list. This is a good thing because it makes our code safer. We can’t accidentally add a Dog to a list of Cats. By promising to never mutate the list, we are allowed to treat a Sequence[Cat] as a Sequence[Animal]. This is called covariance in confusing-type-theory-speak.

In the wild

Where else do you see this?

Normally in python we say that an int can be treated as a float.

However when you try to pass a list[int] to a function that expects a list[float], this is not allowed because list[int] is not a subclass of list[float]. You can fix this by promising to never mutate the list, and changing the type hint to Sequence[float].


from typing import Sequence

def print_float(f: float) -> None:

def print_floats(floats: list[float]) -> None:
    for f in floats:

def print_floats_seq(floats: Sequence[float]) -> None:
    for f in floats:

def main():
    single_int: int = 1
    print_float(f=single_int) # OK
    ints: list[int] = [1, 2, 3]
    print_floats(floats=ints) # "Typeerror: list[int] is not compatible with list[float]"
    ints_seq: Sequence[int] = [1, 2, 3] # OK

What does this mean for library authors?

In general, you should use Sequence instead of list in your type hints. Two reasons

  • The Sequence being covariant accepts a wider range of inputs. The Sequence[float] accepts a list[int] and a list[float]. But a list[float] only accepts a list[float].
  • A Sequence is more general than a list. A Sequence can be a list, a tuple, or any other sequence type (like a tuple of floats..) This makes your library more flexible. In principle we want the most general type hint that we can get away with.

See the excellent pyright best practices guide.