James' Blog

My thoughts on python, typing and maybe AI alignment

My New Paper On Introspection

Our new paper on introspection is out! Paper website Abstract Humans acquire knowledge by observing the external world, but also by introspection. Introspection gives a person privileged access to their current state of mind (e.g., thoughts and feelings) that is not accessible to external observers. Can LLMs introspect? We define introspection as acquiring knowledge that is not contained in or derived from training data but instead originates from internal states. Such a capability could enhance model interpretability.

Copy pasting to accelerate research

After been doing empirical research for a year+ now, I’ve concluded that copy pasting accelerates research. Consider not refactoring as the default. Bell curve Why not to refactor. Early in a project, you’ve got a lot of ideas and you want to try them out. You can refactor your code to take this into account. This adds alot of complexity and makes it very hard to debug. Most of the time, your final work isn’t going to use all these variations.